Ted Toth
2021-05-28 18:26:57 UTC
When a socket service runs is there a way to determine the socket
state? If the socket file contains:
does systemd call accept with the socket before execing the service in
which case I don't have to call accept? Is there a way to
differentiate a socket with Accept set to true versus one without
Accept or with it set to false? I've read the sd_is_socket man page
but it's not clear to me if it can answer the question I posed.
state? If the socket file contains:
does systemd call accept with the socket before execing the service in
which case I don't have to call accept? Is there a way to
differentiate a socket with Accept set to true versus one without
Accept or with it set to false? I've read the sd_is_socket man page
but it's not clear to me if it can answer the question I posed.