Bruce A. Johnson
2021-04-21 18:24:39 UTC
Is there a correct way to obtain information about the DHCP lease
received by systemd-networkd's DHCP client functionality? It was easy
enough to find SERVER_ADDRESS in /var/run/systemd/netif/leases/4, but
issued my lease, how much more time I have, etc., mainly because I want
to be able to ping something that is known to be on the network. I'm
dealing with a lazy sysadmin who doesn't want to put a gateway on this
private network, I haven't found a solution using the CLI tools.
Thanks in advance.
received by systemd-networkd's DHCP client functionality? It was easy
enough to find SERVER_ADDRESS in /var/run/systemd/netif/leases/4, but
# This is private data. Do not parse.
I'd like to be able to make a widget that can tell me which DHCP serverissued my lease, how much more time I have, etc., mainly because I want
to be able to ping something that is known to be on the network. I'm
dealing with a lazy sysadmin who doesn't want to put a gateway on this
private network, I haven't found a solution using the CLI tools.
Thanks in advance.
Bruce A. Johnson | Firmware Engineer
Blue Ridge Networks, Inc.
14120 Parke Long Court Suite 103 | Chantilly, VA 20151
Main: 1.800.722.1168 | Direct: 703-633-7332
OpenPGP key ID: 296D1CD6F2B84CAB
Bruce A. Johnson | Firmware Engineer
Blue Ridge Networks, Inc.
14120 Parke Long Court Suite 103 | Chantilly, VA 20151
Main: 1.800.722.1168 | Direct: 703-633-7332
OpenPGP key ID: 296D1CD6F2B84CAB